Thursday, October 2, 2014

Learning from Banana Hands

I'm sure that no one else will understand the photo below.
Snapped by me after I {actually} dressed in real clothes and got my people out the door, in the car, in their seats and buckled in with all snacks, diapers, sippy cups, etc in tow...
You have to understand. There are few mornings when I choose to put forth an effort to get out of the house.
It's not in my nature.
Most of my friends probably wouldn't label me the textbook introvert, but I am.
I really am. REALLY.
Long ago, when I could hole up in my bedroom with coffee and a good book, that was a great day for me.
:::::: mind drifts momentarily away to ye olden days :::::::
K, I'm back. {I love you, my tiny people!}
So, this introvert doesn't get out much. Point made.
On Tuesdays, though, the peeps and I venture out to my refreshing Mentors and Moms group.
This is much needed. I truly love these folks and the amazing things that I learn.
Welp, this photo was taken on a morning when we had it all together.
I was ahead of the game, for once. Everyone was ready and we were going to soon head out.
I felt {for once} like I was looking ok in my stretchy leggings and maternity shirt.
I was making an effort, people.
Suddenly, from behind, I hear my Sweets laugh as she throws her hands on my leg.
Her precious hands....          which were covered in banana residue.
In the scurry of departure, of course, I washed it off of Sweets but forgot to wash it off of myself.
Well, later it got me thinking. Even though I often try so hard to "have it together..."         is it ever, really?
Life's messy...     unpredictable...        real.
And, I'm so thankful...
Thankful that I belong to a Creator who doesn't expect me to come to Him with clean hands.
I come to Him with banana hands all the time. I approach gross, unkempt and totally disgusting.
His response?
Only the most amazing, unconditional love imaginable!
I get scooped in His arms He reminds me...
that my identity does not lie in the way that others view me, or the way that I view myself.
I belong to Him. I am His. His truth is supreme in my life whether I choose to believe it or not.
He is a faithful Father and the sovereign God of the universe who has deemed me forgiven.
He has wiped clean my banana hands.
And He always will...

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful and uplifting as always! If you know my sweet wife (author of the above), you KNOW that she is a giver (it never stops!). She truly reflects the Proverbs 31 Woman and I'm glad to call her mine!


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