I await your arrival with such anticipation.
It's not only me, I might add.
My people know when you've arrived.
The house is a little cooler.
The air is a tad bit more crispy.
I see the glint of mischief and joy in all of our eyes as we open the door to your cool loveliness!
Whether you're called Autumn or Fall, it matters not to me.
I call you both at different times of the season.
This year, my {very} pregnant belly is so thankful that Fall, my very favorite time of year, has arrived.
Please don't flirt with or leave us. Take your stand and stay for as long as you want!!
We cannot help but love you... so much.
There is a part of my creative soul that must only be filled with pumpkins, hayrides, burlap, pumpkin lattes, s'mores, pumpkin candles and the like.
Oh, and pumpkins... Did I mention them?
Soooo.... Welcome, welcome, welcome Fall!
{Insert me singing a Disney-esque anthem to Autumn here}
Love ya...
Mean it...
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