Friday, April 4, 2014

A Grassy Easter Tomb

Scoot has really been asking a lot of {wonderful} questions about Easter this year.

If you know me, you know I love a good, hands-on visual.

I need that. I'm a tactile learner. I think my oldest may be, as well.

But, I digress...

I wanted to get crafty concerning Easter, so I started searching for a few things that didn't involve eggs and bunnies.

After a bit, I came across this craft over at The House of Joyful Noise. Such a sweet idea!

Well, after gathering the necessary items, Scoot and I went to work.

I thought the result looked really great, but pondered... would it grow?

Could I, the Master of the Black Thumb keep this craft alive?

After spritzing it, we left it on the porch and went about our lives, watering it once a day.

Well, we looked out on the porch a week later, and this is what we found!

I am loving the result, and Scoot loves getting to "take care of the tomb" {her words} by spritzing it each day. 

The visual reminder of Calvary and Christ's tomb is very sweet during this Lenten season. We're going to wrap a wooden clothespin and place it in the tomb, then on Easter Sunday, it'll {of course} be gone! 

I'll be sharing more about our Easter "musts" in a few days.

What're some of your favorite Easter crafts or traditions? 

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