Friday, June 29, 2012

Out and About

We have had quite the busy and  tiring  wonderful week! As you may have gathered from this week's Wordless Wednesday post, we have been VBS-ing this week!

So many precious children! You would not even believe the cuteness! Mornings full of music, play, crafts, stories and snack. Add a little bit of Scripture learning, and you have a recipe for fun!

Scoot spent the day with the awesome nursery workers {since she is still very wee} and I got to work with the two and three-year-olds. 

Goodness gracious but they can go... and go, and go, and go! Seriously, ya'll, this week I have felt like I was surrounded by Thing 1 and Thing 2 from The Cat in The Hat times about twenty. So very much fun, though, for sure!

Today, Scoot and I are heading out of town and leaving Renaissance all by his lonesome. Yes, indeed, we are going with Gigi to visit the great city of Montgomery, Alabama. City of the Stanford romance. City of our first and second house. City of our firstborn's birth. It's a good city. 

We're headed there to visit our Rogie. She's my mom's mom. The amazing woman for whom I am named. So... we'll be back this weekend. 

Hope all of you sweet people are having a wonderful week! What have you been up to?

{Doesn't love traveling in the car seat}

{Always crosses her legs}


  1. Another wonderful post by my darling Bride! You are so so gifted at all you do! Faithful Servant to the LORD, Loving wife, incredible (and thankful) mom, eloquent writer, super seamstress and the list could go for days. I love you and am so proud of you!


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