Saturday, June 4, 2011


Well, next week is Vacation Bible School at our church. This year, however, Anna Lyn and I can't be there for all of the fabulous festivities. Why, you may ask? Because we're headed to PCA General Assembly in Virginia Beach with my parents, and then up to D.C. for my cousin's christening. It will be such fun!

Of course I wanted to pitch in with some pre-VBS-week decorating before we left. I got placed with a wonderful team who decided that we were going to make paper chain links to hang from the ceiling. Sounded cute and creative to me, so I got crackin' on them. Below are the efforts that I made to complete them. Then, my husband decided that he wanted to pitch in, because it just got a little overwhelming . . . even for this former first grade teacher! But we got our portion done, and I hope that it graces the lower school hall of VBS week well!

The husband being funny :)

 Lots-o-links . . . This was about 1/2 of the amount we did

 One chain of links

They started taking over our room . . . They were brown and green, just to clarify.

 But it was a fun time to sit, talk, be together, etc

Funny-ness once again . . . I love him so!

1 comment:

  1. Love that you are in the middle of helping with VBS too! I am heading it up this year at our church....its my 1st time and I'm scared!!!! Have a GREAT trip:)


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